The Foundation for Ascetic Dawn was established in Mecca on the ninth of Sha’ban 1435 AH, and since its inception, it has been a wonderful model for achieving the vision of the Kingdom, and for the advancement of levels of mercy and blessings. Where it provides all services to transport pilgrims, Umrah pilgrims and visitors from outside and inside the Kingdom in a highly professional manner. The company, in addition to its main headquarters in Makkah, has two branches in Muzannah and Madin Province.
Raising the level of transportation and care services for pilgrims, Umrah performers and visitors from outside and inside the Kingdom to the highest levels of ease, comfort and safety in order to achieve the Kingdom’s 2030 vision in the service of mercy.
Dedication to serving and caring for the guests of the Most Merciful according to the highest levels of international hospitality, raising the levels of efficiency of its performance and development, and adopting comprehensive quality standards in order to make the pilgrimage journey safe, comfortable, safe and comfortable.
One of the most important values on which the institution is based. 1 - Sincerity and dedication: sincerity and dedication in the performance of the secretariat and bearing the honor of responsibility in accordance with the principles and provisions of the noble Islamic Sharia. 2 - Accuracy: the accuracy of the implementation with high professionalism according to detailed schedules tightly prepared to provide the appropriate environment for performing the rituals easily and conveniently in an atmosphere of tranquility, comfort and tranquility. 3- Continuous development and improvement: working to raise the levels of service and care and adopting comprehensive quality standards to achieve the highest ceiling of international hospitality standards.
The Foundation seeks, through its dedication in performing its duties, which it honors in serving and caring for the guests of the Most Merciful, and it bears its responsibility to achieve many goals, most notably: Providing all comfort and security requirements so that the guests of the Most Merciful can perform their rituals easily in an atmosphere of serenity, comfort and reassurance. . Dedication to serving and caring for the pilgrims with the highest levels of accuracy and professionalism. Increasing the awareness of the guests of the Most Merciful in the correct manner to ensure the safe and sound performance of the rituals according to the Book of God and the Sunnah of the Beloved Mostafa, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, and advise and guide them on what is presented to them from the issues. Adopting the scientific foundations and methods and employing the latest and most efficient systems and mastery to provide the appropriate environment for performing rituals in accordance with international hospitality standards. Work to raise the levels of service and care for the guests of the Most Merciful, and to raise the efficiency and skills of the institution's employees by adopting distinguished and effective training programs to ensure the provision of an excellent service. Adhering to comprehensive quality standards that are supported by good planning, meticulous implementation, effective training, close follow-up, continuous evaluation and purposeful development.
Praise be to God, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the most honorable of the prophets and messengers. ً للحـــج ً ومهمـــا ً كبيـــرا المملكـــة وجهـــة المســـلمين أفـــردت رؤيـــة المملكـــة 2030 حيـــزا والعمــرة مــن أجــل تطويــر الخدمــات والتيســير علــى ضيــوف الرحمــن، وقــد تجلــى ذلـــك فـــي جهـــود وزارة الحـــج والعمـــرة والجهـــات ذات العالقـــة، الـــي ترتكـــز فـــي شـــراكاتها اإلســـتراتيجية علـــى الرؤيـــة ومبـــادرات التحـــول الوطـــي، باســـتهداف المزيــد مــن التنســيق مــع جميــع أطــراف المنظومــة، إلتاحــة الفرصــة ألكبــر عــدد مـــن المســـلمين ألداء فريضـــة الحـــج والعمـــرة والزيـــارة علـــى أكمـــل وجـــه، والعمـــل علـــى إثـــراء وتعميـــق تجربتهـــم مـــن خـــال تهيئـــة الحرميـــن الشـــريفين، والمواقـــع الســياحية والثقافيــة، وإتاحــة أفضــل الخدمــات قبــل وأثنــاء وبعــد زيارتهــم لمكــة المكرمـــة والمدينـــة المنـــورة والمشـــاعر المقدســـة، And he reflected the bright and civilized image of the Kingdom. Our work is characterized by dealing with God’s guests, who are of several nationalities and different cultures. Therefore, we must deal with this dear group with great care and attention to satisfy them. General Director Ibrahim bin Hussein Al-Maliki
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Umm Al-Qura Complex, Abdullah Areef Street, Mecca, Makkah Al-Mukarramah, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 24251